Friday, February 24, 2012

Packaging: Simply Sweet

For my 3D application class (i.e. packaging class), I have been working on packaging for a sugar company that I made up. I called it Simply Sweet. My make-shift sugar company produces Light Agave Nector, Dark Amber Agave Nector, Pure Sugar Cane and Pure Sugar Cane with Vanilla. All liquid sugars, they come bottled and in little sugar packets. With that being said here is what I have so far.

Left: Updated version. Right: First version.

  At the beginning I really had no idea what direction I wanted to go, but after getting input from classmates and my professor that changed. I knew exactly what I was wanting and went with it. I really like my updated version a whole lot better. :D

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Reviewing the past: Typography 3

I actually did some pretty interesting things design wise last quarter. I figured that I could jump start my blog by posting some of the previous projects that I did. I don't know how many of these "Reviewing the past" posts there will be but I'm just going to go with it.

  One of my first projects I did last quarter was that I needed to create a portrait using only type. I could not use any graphic of any kind, and I had to illustrate a person. I decided to go with Hayley Williams from the band Paramore since I knew it would give me some space to be a little more expressive and have some fun. :)
  It is a 11 x 17 print, and looks great printed. Not so much up close since the type acts like pixels so the further away from it you stand the more you can see the details. I used one of the pictures of Hayley singing and then made a fake event (since it was for school and clearly not real).

  I have decided that I will be getting up at 6am every morning to start my day. I actually succeeded this morning and feel great! I was a zombie at first and didn't like it but I wasn't rushed! I love not being rushed it makes me feel like everything will be okay, like I'm at peace with the world I guess. I got to school a half an hour early!! So instead of going inside I stayed in my car, clipped some coupons that I received in the mail yesterday and read a couple articles in my military spouse magazine. Even though my hubby is no longer active duty I still like reading it. This issue is geared towards moving and has some very helpful tips. We've (mainly I) have moved 5 times already since we've been married.. That is way too many in a little over 2 years but sometimes that is just how it works. Back to the articles, they have great tips for the actual moving part and then some when you get to the place that you are going to live. This is going to really come in handy for our move in late June. I'm contemplating having a moving sale before we leave and then just getting different things once we get out to Arizona. Mainly the big things like the couches and possibly the bed, some other furniture. But then keep the stuff for school, the kitchen and the little things just get rid of the big things. My only concern is that would that have us loose money rather than gain it? If it evens out, that is perfectly okay with me, I just don't want us to be financially compromised due to the move its self.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Months later...

Goodness gracious.. where have I been!?
I feel awkward since I don't even know where to start or what to say. There is so much that has happened since October when my hubby came back to the states.
I'll start with the negative..
Today isn't a good day for anyone in my family (at least that's what it feels like). This morning my husbands pap pap passed away. It is a sad occasion but at least he isn't suffering anymore and is in a better place. That is just the start for the day..I couldn't wake up this morning like I did the day before. For more than the past week I have been in bed with Vertigo. Not fun at all, I got to catch up a little bit on my homework like I needed to but that wasn't the way I wanted to catch up. I have to hit a dead stop in order to get things done and its driving me crazy. With my vertigo mess I first thought it was food poisoning, but then it didn't go away and I would just sit there with the world spinning and no matter what I did I couldn't get it to stop spinning. Yesterday it finally slowed down enough where I could clean and take care of things instead of just sit there doing nothing. My midterm grades for this quarter aren't where they need to be I have a C, C+, B+ and an A-. C's aren't my thing and never have been I work my tush off so I can be above average. Me and failure don't go together.
I feel like I'm not doing a very good job as a wife because all I do is homework I don't get to spend quality time with my husband. I haven't been able to clean and cook the way that I need to. I feel like with my school work is all that I can do and then not be able to do anything else. I barely even get time to get groceries. It feels like I'm in a world of chaos and I can't make it slow down.
Were getting ready to move in the next couple months so that also doesn't help. I'm going to have to stop getting sleep and just get up early and get things done.

On the other hand!
Good news is that I got my recipe binder in check, it is all organized and ready to use. Chris got a job a couple weeks after his contract ended and is now selling new Honda's! So.. if you need a new car talk to my husband and he can see what he can do for you. :) I actually got to surprise Chris for his birthday. Our room mate and I invited some friends over and had a good time so that was good as well. Busa gets in the trash every so often but for the most part he's been doing good.

No pictures for this post, not exactly meant for them. I saying that I'm going to start doing this or that on here but every time I do I don't. So.. I'm just going to do it and not say anything lol.
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